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ADHD Referrals & Shared Care Prescribing

ADHD 2024 Practice Process Summary

Please see documents below for detailed description regarding referrals for ADHD diagnosis and management

1. NHS Referral – need to demonstrate significant impact on day to day function. Please complete ADHD pack which you can collect from reception, once completed you will need an appointment with a GP to arrange referral if appropriate. If you meet eligibility you will then be referred to local Community Mental Health Team who will triage referral and decide if you meet criteria, if they agree they will refer you to the NHS ADHD clinic in South East London, you will enter a waiting list. Once seen if diagnosed and treated, once you are stabilised on a dose then your specialist will contact us to agree shared care where we can continue prescribing through the NHS for patients.
2. Right to Choose – Private Company with NHS Contract – if you do not meet criteria for significant functional day to day impact, please complete ADHD pack from reception as above. You will then be referred directly to a provider, you will enter a waiting list. Once seen and diagnosed with a treatment plan, we would forward your clinic letter to our local Community Mental Health Team for confirmation of treatment plan, if they agree we would then share care with this team and prescribe medication through the NHS clinic not the Right to Choose Organisation.
3. Private Clinic referral – please complete ADHD pack via reception, we can then make a referral to a specialist clinic you request. If they meet criteria listed below then we can Share Care with this provider and arrange treatment with an NHS prescription. If criteria is not met, similar to Right to Choose above we would forward your clinic letter to our local Community Mental Health Team to confirm if they agree diagnosis and treatment plan, if so we would share care with the NHS clinic instead.