Patients can self refer to the services below, so no GP appointment is required
The Urgent Care Centre at Guy’s Hospital an alternative to the emergency department (A&E) for a range of minor injuries. A walk-in NHS service for patients whose condition cannot wait for the next GP appointment (usually within 48 hours) but who do not need treatment at A&E. They treat minor injuries and illnesses such as broken bones, bites, burns and scalds, minor infections in adults and children, rashes, sprains, wounds
Maternity care – self-refer to one of the local hospitals to help them to start planning all your regular antenatal care. If this is your first pregnancy please book a routine appointment to see a GP for more advice. Visit Guy’s and St Thomas’s or King’s College Hospital websites.If you are pregnant under 18 weeks and have strong pelvic pain, bleeding or severe vomiting – you can walk in to the Early Pregnancy Unit at GSTT for full assessment.
Termination/Abortion services – please see link which gives information on how to self-refer to local services, there are different options available.
Physiotherapy : you can refer yourself to musculoskeletal physiotherapy for specialist assessment and management here
The continence assessment – you can self refer to GST bowel/bladder clinic by calling 020 3049 4020 between 9am and 5pm (Monday to Friday)
Ask your pharmacist – Certain minor problems (Athlete’s foot, coughs and colds, cold sore, hay fever, head lice, conjunctivitis, nappy rash, indigestion and more) can be treated faster by a local pharmacist. If you are exempt of prescription charges, any medicine recommended will be free. If you usually pay for prescriptions, you will pay the cost of the medicine or the standard prescription charge, whatever is cheaper. Please visit Pharmacy First website for more information on local participating Pharmacies or link to information leaflet below
Foot Health – you can self-refer to Community Podiatry or Happy Feet
Eye problems such as redness, sticky eye, watery eye, pain or discomfort, recent onset of flashes can be dealt with by a local optician. Further information